Puyallup tea party day drama!

VernTheFirst said...

After calling Mike Dobb this afternoon I was told in no uncertain terms that under no circumstances would he even entertain the idea of permitting an information courtesy table to be allowed on any property under his control.

Unfortunately this is a common response that liberals give when faced with the conservative idea of freedom of speech or expression.

Nevertheless we/I will be on public property on TEA PARTY DAY in Puyallup in Washington State this 4th of July 2009. I'll be there handing out cards and tea bags, hopefully awakening the almost lost, deeply hidden or disguised indomitable spirit that made us Americans. (Splash, Splash...)

Recient questions...

On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 8:54 AM, gary######@comcast.net wrote:

I am hearing from a commentator in the morning they are recommending we don't have a rally on the 4th because of the most likely poor turn out since most families have planned events and the media will project the smaller numbers as not a main stream movement but fringe groups. Is there still to be an event?

There will be a lot of misinformation given by many sources. Misinformation is a very strong weapon. It is only rivaled by propaganda as a manipulative tool. I have not personally heard of anyone opting to set aside their duty to country for a one day family outing. One might argue that there will be other days or another person can take their place. Each of us must decide for ourselves, for our families future, when we will take a stand and fill the void of the silent majority.

I have ten times the activity on my web site and blog as I saw for April 15 TAX DAY Tea Party. I am answering five to ten letters each day and the number is growing exponentially each day. I do not know where commentator gets his information. For another view go to AFA TEA PARTY DAY They have over 1217 cities with registered groups for this 4th of July. This Tea Party Day rally is a far more patriotic activity than watching a few thousand dollars being wasted on pretty flairs and fake bombs bursting in the air. This day is for celebrating the spirit and determination of a group of American colonists that said No to taxation without representation. And on a grander scale they said NO to Tyranny. Our task during each of these rallies is to awaken the sleeping giant in this country before it is too late so that we may come full circle back to what the true founders of the American dream set in motion. I wish to take this opportunity not to ask you to come down by yourself to wave a sign. I want to take this opportunity to challenge you to bring a car load down. Bring your wife and children. Bring your neighbor. Challenge your Friends and co-workers to show what they are made of. Show that they are not sheep or lemmings as many in high places believe.

It does not matter what I think or believe. What matters is what you think and believe. You have a conscience. What does it tell you?

Respectfully in his service,
Nick-Charles Tilberg

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Spy on Americans

Now It’s the Democrats’

Turn to Spy on Americans!

you think the election of Barack Obama will end illegal government
surveillance of its citizens, you haven’t been paying attention.

One of Obama’s first acts as president was to file a brief in federal
court siding with the former Bush Administration and insisting that the
government should be allowed to eavesdrop on Americans without warrants.

Privacy advocates insist Americans will have just as much to fear from Democrat spies as
Now It is the Democrats Turn to Spy on Americans!
they had from the Bush Administration—perhaps more.

That’s because, while George W. Bush and the Republicans trounced on
civil liberties and used warrant-less wiretaps in the pursuit of global
terrorists, Barack Obama and his Democrat allies are going to use the
same spying technologies… on U.S. taxpayers!

“Hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes are owed to the government
each year but are not being collected,” warned Rep. Charles B. Rangel,
a Democrat from New York and chairman of the House Ways and Means
Committee, himself investigated for criminal tax

According to the New York Times,
the kinds of “tax cheats” Obama and the Democrat-congress plan on
targeting include “…self-employed painters and plumbers, small family
businesses (from local florists and dry-cleaners to restaurants) and
growing legions who sell things over eBay and other Internet auction

“Tax cheats come in all shapes and sizes,” explained Democratic Senator
Carl Levin of Michigan, Chairman of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee
on Investigations. Levin is pushing through a bill in Congress that
would make offshore bank accounts virtually

“This bill contains
innovative and powerful measures that could strike an immediate and
strong blow against these tax dodges,” he said in 2008. “These
provisions would recover billions that could help pay for health care,
education, manufacturing support, aid
for wounded warriors and more.”

WARNING: Collapse of U.S. Dollar

WARNING: Collapse of U.S. Dollar

Could Wipe Out Half of Your Wealth!

WARNING: Collapse of U.S. Dollar Hyperinflation
is not as rare as governments would like you to believe. Whenever a
government spends far more than it takes in, the risk of Hyperinflation
is there. It wipes out the value of accumulated savings, leaving
even affluent people penniless.

2008, Zimbabwe: The socialist dictatorship of Robert Mugabe has created an annual inflation

rate of 11,250,000%, resulting in currency that is basically worthless.
At independence in 1980, 1 Zimbabwean dollar was worth approximately
$1.25 in U.S. dollars. By mid-2008, one U.S. dollar was worth 688 trillion pre-August 2006 Zimbabwean

2007, Turkey:
Turkey has suffered from chronic inflation for decades. In 1980, one
U.S. dollar was worth 90 Turkish lira. By 2004, a U.S. dollar was worth
1.3 million Turkish lira. As a result, in 2007 the government simply declared a revaluation of
the Turkish lira. One million Turkish lira would henceforth be worth only 1 lira.

2005, Romania:
In 1998, the highest denomination in Romania was 100,000 lei. By 2005,
it was 1 million lei. The Romanian government then devalued its
currency, declaring that 1 new leu would be worth 10,000 old lei.

2001, Argentina:
Overspending by the Argentine government resulted in massive inflation
in the 1980s and 90s. By 1992, one new peso was worth 100 billion pre-1983 pesos. (Had you stuffed cash in your mattress during one of Argentina’s many
recessions, not trusting their shaky banks, you would have ended up with nothing.)

1994, Russia:
Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the new Russia saw annual
inflation of between 2,500% and 8,500% a year. The value of the ruble
declined from 40 rubles to the dollar in 1991 to 30,000 rubles to the
dollar by 1999.

Bank Safety Deposit Box

Continued Below...

Never, Ever Keep Gold or Cash

in a Bank Safety Deposit Box!

officials have been informed by the Department of Homeland Security
(DHS) that all safety deposit boxes will be seized in the event of a

As occurred sporadically
during the Great Depression, Federal agents will examine all safety
deposit boxes and determine which items may be returned to bank
customers. No weapons,
cash, gold or silver will be allowed to leave the bank—only paperwork will be given to its owners.

Bank officials have been instructed not to reveal this policy to bank customers, even if asked.

Bottom line: Only use safety deposit boxes for family documents you
don’t mind being inspected by Federal agents. Never use them to store


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Puyallup, Pierce County/Washington State/America