Puyallup tea party day drama!

VernTheFirst said...

After calling Mike Dobb this afternoon I was told in no uncertain terms that under no circumstances would he even entertain the idea of permitting an information courtesy table to be allowed on any property under his control.

Unfortunately this is a common response that liberals give when faced with the conservative idea of freedom of speech or expression.

Nevertheless we/I will be on public property on TEA PARTY DAY in Puyallup in Washington State this 4th of July 2009. I'll be there handing out cards and tea bags, hopefully awakening the almost lost, deeply hidden or disguised indomitable spirit that made us Americans. (Splash, Splash...)

Recient questions...

On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 8:54 AM, gary######@comcast.net wrote:

I am hearing from a commentator in the morning they are recommending we don't have a rally on the 4th because of the most likely poor turn out since most families have planned events and the media will project the smaller numbers as not a main stream movement but fringe groups. Is there still to be an event?

There will be a lot of misinformation given by many sources. Misinformation is a very strong weapon. It is only rivaled by propaganda as a manipulative tool. I have not personally heard of anyone opting to set aside their duty to country for a one day family outing. One might argue that there will be other days or another person can take their place. Each of us must decide for ourselves, for our families future, when we will take a stand and fill the void of the silent majority.

I have ten times the activity on my web site and blog as I saw for April 15 TAX DAY Tea Party. I am answering five to ten letters each day and the number is growing exponentially each day. I do not know where commentator gets his information. For another view go to AFA TEA PARTY DAY They have over 1217 cities with registered groups for this 4th of July. This Tea Party Day rally is a far more patriotic activity than watching a few thousand dollars being wasted on pretty flairs and fake bombs bursting in the air. This day is for celebrating the spirit and determination of a group of American colonists that said No to taxation without representation. And on a grander scale they said NO to Tyranny. Our task during each of these rallies is to awaken the sleeping giant in this country before it is too late so that we may come full circle back to what the true founders of the American dream set in motion. I wish to take this opportunity not to ask you to come down by yourself to wave a sign. I want to take this opportunity to challenge you to bring a car load down. Bring your wife and children. Bring your neighbor. Challenge your Friends and co-workers to show what they are made of. Show that they are not sheep or lemmings as many in high places believe.

It does not matter what I think or believe. What matters is what you think and believe. You have a conscience. What does it tell you?

Respectfully in his service,
Nick-Charles Tilberg

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Health Freedom Alert FDA Petition: Stop the Shot!

Health Freedom Alert

The Voice of Global Health Freedom

News, Alerts, and More Health Freedom Information

Action Items You Must Take to Protect Your Health Freedom

Highlights of Health Freedom Action eAlert

August 20, 2009

Welcome! In This Issue:

Highlights of Health Freedom Action eAlert

Full eAlert Here:


Special Action eAlert:

We Urgently Need Your Help!

Gary Null, PhD, Leads Demand that FDA



Join Dr. Null Here:


Nano Silver Special!

Save $76 on 4 Bottles; Receive Spray, Nasal Attachments Free!


24 -7 Information Online...

New Network Supports Natural Solutions



Health Freedom Leaders Join Forces to Stop FDA Approval of Swine Flu Vaccines Without ANY Safety Testing

Read Legal Call for Relief Here:


Take Action! Help Prevent FDA from Approving Pandemic Vaccines for Use on All of  Us Absent ALL Safety Testing

1. Say "NO!" to Forced Vaccination


Join the New Citizens Petition! Stop FDA Approval for Untested Vaccines


last!  An effective and powerful legal action with the potential to
stop the FDA's planned approval of Swine Flu Vaccines without any,
repeat ANY, safety testing. Three far sighted health freedom leaders
have banded together to take action to protect us all and invite your
help, and your organization's help, too.

2. Join in: Demand FDA NOT Approve Vaccines Before Completion of Safety Testing


Remember: Take Actions 1 and 2 Once for Each Member of Your Household

3. Representatives of Organizations

Click Here:


Note: Take action 3 in addition to Actions 1 and 2 if you represent an organization

the signatory for your organization? Contact your organization's
leaders and urge them to participate in this democratic legal
exercise.  No charge, no downside - just benefits for all!

4. Mere Days Left to Save Health Freedom...

Right, our 3 Weeks Nearly over. Senate Reconvenes Sept. 7. We MUST
Prevent Passage of HR 2749 Equivalent Bill



you and the Natural Solutions Foundation, ARE the net roots of health
freedom.  We can - and do! - produce literally millions of emails,
raising our voices high enough to push back the madness.  In fact,
we've already sent more than 1.5 million emails demanding the right to
say "No!" to pandemic vaccines. Well, it is time for more of same!

Read more... http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=3339


Time for Health Freedom

Silly Season to End

Season Science is the product of shameless intellectual prostitution in
which science for hire pumps out whatever it is told to produce.  A
prime example from the supposedly reputable British paper, The

"Healthy Eating Can be Sign of Serious

Psychological Disorder"


Freedom Silly Season has to end, now. You see, Health Freedom
organizations are notorious for NOT working together.  You know, this
one says this, and the other one says that and pretty soon you don't
care "who struck John" and you are sick of all the gore! 

one of the classic disinformation techniques and juvenile people are
easily stimulated to behave like tantrum-ing toddlers.  You have
noticed that the Natural Solutions Foundation does not waste its time,
or yours, with that kind of sniping and in-fighting. Instead, we focus
on the problems, find solutions and tell you what we think is going on,
asking for your help. 

Read more... http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=3339

contact the health freedom organizations of your choice to urge them in
the strongest terms to get on board with this powerful initiative.

they resist, ask them to explain, in writing, why they are not taking
this opportunity to work for your health and freedom, and that of the
other supporters/members of the group. Insist on real reasons for their
inaction, not merely unsupported assertions and, if they cannot provide
them, walk away. They are not on your side. They just proved it.

the other hand, smart non-governmental organizations are happy to
cooperate to make sure Health Freedom can survive. For example, we've
just accepted DownSize DC's invitation to join its coalition partners
in www.ConsumerCenteredHealthcare.org
to "Stop current efforts to expand government control of health care -
Roll back existing government involvement and restore free market
competition" No matter what healthcare system exists, we want it to a
system that allows people the freedom to make their own choices... and
a politician-and-bureaucrat dominated system cannot do that! Whoever
pays for it, your health care choices should be, must be, determined
solely by you.


Real Health Freedom Leaders:

Koren, Laibow, Null

leading health freedom advocate organizations banded together this week
and, under the guidance of Ralph Fucetola, JD, Natural Solutions
Foundation's brilliant and skillful Counsel and Trustee, submitted a
Citizens Petition (unlike an Internet Petition, a Citizens Petition is
a powerful legal challenge which can have real impact on Policy) to the
FDA demanding redress from the immanent harm posed by approval of
attenuated and adjuvanted live virus vaccines for a trivial disease
when not one of the vaccines have been tested for safety.  You
will recall that on July 23, 2009 the Fraud and Death Administration
said that they will approve these vaccines in the absence of completed
safety tests.

the pediatric tests of the vaccine now underway are to determine
antibody response levels (dosage), NOT safety. And the vaccines being
tested are NOT those with adjuvants. 

Read more... http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=3339

Legal Legs

and Limps

a number of legal actions have been filed in response to these
dangers.  Some are good, some are marginal and some make no sense at
all.  Click here,


for a look at the good, the bad and the just plain meaningless.

Citizens Petition which we have filed with the FDA is, we believe, a
highly effective way to exhaust our legal remedies so that we can
rapidly and effectively move forward.  We need your help, though.  Your
organizations and you (and your family, friends, contacts, etc.) all
are invited to join the Petition and exercise your First Amendment
Right for redress of grievances via a Petition to the Government.



Six for the Cemetery?

6 Swine Flu vaccines which the FDA has announced it will approve BEFORE
the completion of any safety testing are unsafe.  Some or all will have
squalene-based adjuvants.  Some or all will have live attenuated virus
(LAIV) vaccines which have been shown to

  • Increase hospitalizations of children for all causes by 300%
  • Cause wheezing and asthma,
  • Communicate the vaccine disease to those with health problems and weak immune systems
  • Add new bits of other viruses in the warm, wet, nutrient rich environment of a cell


Read more... http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=3339

Health Without Freedom?

Read more... http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=3339


Freedom to Stay Alive?

Justice Antonin Scalia

"Innocence Is No Reason Not To Execute"

will bet that you thought that the Constitution of These United States
gave you the right to a fair trial along with life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness, didn't you?  And you thought that innocence was a
defense before the bar, didn't you.

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia thinks differently - very
differently.  Justice Scalia recently wrote that that there is nothing
inherently un-constitutional about executing an innocent person. 

In his dissenting opinion in the appeal of convicted - but innocent - felon...

Read more... http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=3339


Speaking of Rights, Does the US Have As Much Freedom of Speech as India? Apparently Not!

the US, we like to think that our Constitutional system assures us of
freedom of speech that we can rely upon, more than any other country.

fact, however, the FDA imposes a profoundly un-American gag rule on
what you can or cannot say - or learn - about the health benefits of
food and food components and will put manufactures out of business if
they tell you the truth about health freedom with legal methods or with
their ax-wielding, gun-toting, dog-using goons called FDA Marshals.

Read more... http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=3339

my friend in India, the noted Dr. Leo Rebello, notes that although
doctors at Kasturba Hospital of Infectious Diseases in Mumbai (formerly
Bombay) maintain, falsely, that they don't know why a baby born to a
mother who supposedly had Swine Flu [although tests for Swine Flu are
wrong 90% of the time, so how could they tell?- REL]
, they do, in fact, know why the baby died: it died because its mother was given Tamiflu!

states, "The adverse or side-effects of Tamiflu are -- delirium,
hallucination, delusion, disturbances in consciousness, abnormal
behavior and convulsions.


Read more... http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=3339

If I were to tell you, as I could in India, that Nano silver, www.Nutronix.com/naturalsolutions,
is outstandingly effective in killing this virus (and all others
against which it has been tested) and then point you to an article by
Gordon Peterson, PH D, which states...


Read more... http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=3339

"Silver Sol... [Silver Solution, www.Nutronix.com/naturalsolutions - REL]


Silver Sol provides proven prevention and treatment against viral and
bacterial infections, while there is nothing else with such broad
spectrum benefits (19). In addition, Silver Sol can be safely taken
every day for prevention where it has been shown to provide protection
against the very dangerous Bird flu H5N1.


Read more... http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=3339



is evident that the newly patented EPA certified and FDA approved
Silver Sol technology provides tremendous treatment options for
prevention and combination therapies. Silver Sol gel can help stop
viral spread on the most contagious areas like hands, nose, mouth and
skin. It is sufficiently documented and proven to be considered to be a
first line of defense against Influenza and a significant companion to
antiviral and antibacterial drug regimens topically and orally." 

Read more... http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=3339

If I said all that, I would be violating the FDA's regulations which, in the US, have the strength of law.

Is this Your Kind of Democracy?

Not Mine, Either.

we've got Rep. Ron Paul, MD (Tx-R) on our side.   He has introduced two
bills to end this unconstitutional rule by edict by the Fraud and Death

We urge
you to join the dozens of thousands of people who have already told
their members of Congress that they co sponsor and support
HR 3394 and HR 3395


Please visit
http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=27732 to
lend your support (and do so once for every member of your Household)
to real free speech, as defined in the Constitution of These United


For more information, please visit (and share!) our Three For Liberty Campaign

Two for One Update

freedom, your freedom, is facing enormous challenges right now.  I
cannot remember them coming so fast, or so furious.  And the Natural
Solutions Foundation is working on the most important ones of all:


Codex-i-fication of our Food Supply through really awful bills like HR
2749 which, if passed as a sister bill by the US Senate will be nothing
short of a full blown disaster for health and freedom.  You can take
action by informing your Senator in person (use our talking points) and
by email,
http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/t/1128/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=26714 that this is NOT what you want. 


You can visit our
Three for Liberty Campaign,

for background information and talking points leaflets.


2. Free Health Speech being gagged


3. State and Federal mandated Swine Flu


can imagine that keeping up with health freedom is an enormous job
which requires diverse skills and talents.  You can also imagine that
we need hands, but not just any hands: hands that are connected minds,
hearts and brains.


is why we are asking for volunteers for the Natural Solutions
Foundation and, at the same time, volunteers for our Valley of the Moon
Eco Demonstration Project,
www.NaturalSolutionsFoundation.org, in Volcan, Panama.


Click here, http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=3283, to read about our Volunteer program and see if you are cut out to help change the world!

If you are, please join us on our Yahoo! Forum, NSCC, at

http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=3283 and on our weekly Wednesday night conference call (info in the "calendar" section of the Forum).


have building projects, marketing and development ones, administrative,
communication, and a host of other needs.  If you are interested in
either an Expense Paid Volunteer Position (Room and Board in Volcan,
Panama) or in joining the roll of Health Freedom Volunteer Sponsors,
please join the Forum and contact Ralph Fucetola at
ralph.fucetola@usa.net or me at dr.laibow@gmail.com with "Volunteer" as the subject.


Oh, yes, Money


You know that this battle is expensive.  You know that we are fighting for you.  That means that we need your support.

Whether you can volunteer or not, health freedom also requires your on-going support. Click here,

to set up your recurring, tax deductible donation now.

visit our donations page and help us in any way you can; of course,
recurring donations are the most important, since that allows us to
plan ahead and be prepared for the Health Freedom battles to come!



Mark Your Calendar!

The Truth About Natural Cancer Cures


Wednesday, September 2nd at 8:00 PM ET


8:00 PM ET


Dr. Leonard Coldwell


No Cost

Sign Up Now!   http://globalteleclass.com/scripts/classDetail.lasso?courseNo=LCHTC-601a&returnPage=classDetail.lasso&-session=GTC_Session:4C49A29213f91121A0oqj3648AAE

Leonard Coldwell, Board Certified NMD DNM PHD LCHC CNHP DIP.PHC is the
leading authority for cancer and stress related illness and has the
highest cure rate for terminal diseases in Europe. Dr. Coldwell is the
most endorsed holistic doctor in America and 11 times bestselling
author. His newest book,
Instinct Based Medicine,
www.instinctbasedmedicine.com, has
just been released and is already in the second Edition. Dr. Coldwell's
most awaited book: The Only Answer to Cancer, will be available in
September 09.

Don't miss this chance to spend time with this renowned physician and activist.


3 Leaflets for the

3 Weeks to Save Health Freedom Campaign:


Must Read - Dr. Laibow's Hard Hitting

Push Back and the Ministry of Lies


Don't Forget to "Follow"

Us on Twitter!

For Up-to-the-Minute Developments




#selfshielf #healthfreedom #foodfreedom #pandemic


Read more... http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=3339

Rima LaibowYours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima

Rima E. Laibow, MD

Medical Director

Natural Solutions Foundation



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Ask the U.S. government to change its policy on Codex Alimentarius


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Puyallup, Pierce County/Washington State/America