Puyallup tea party day drama!

VernTheFirst said...

After calling Mike Dobb this afternoon I was told in no uncertain terms that under no circumstances would he even entertain the idea of permitting an information courtesy table to be allowed on any property under his control.

Unfortunately this is a common response that liberals give when faced with the conservative idea of freedom of speech or expression.

Nevertheless we/I will be on public property on TEA PARTY DAY in Puyallup in Washington State this 4th of July 2009. I'll be there handing out cards and tea bags, hopefully awakening the almost lost, deeply hidden or disguised indomitable spirit that made us Americans. (Splash, Splash...)

Recient questions...

On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 8:54 AM, gary######@comcast.net wrote:

I am hearing from a commentator in the morning they are recommending we don't have a rally on the 4th because of the most likely poor turn out since most families have planned events and the media will project the smaller numbers as not a main stream movement but fringe groups. Is there still to be an event?

There will be a lot of misinformation given by many sources. Misinformation is a very strong weapon. It is only rivaled by propaganda as a manipulative tool. I have not personally heard of anyone opting to set aside their duty to country for a one day family outing. One might argue that there will be other days or another person can take their place. Each of us must decide for ourselves, for our families future, when we will take a stand and fill the void of the silent majority.

I have ten times the activity on my web site and blog as I saw for April 15 TAX DAY Tea Party. I am answering five to ten letters each day and the number is growing exponentially each day. I do not know where commentator gets his information. For another view go to AFA TEA PARTY DAY They have over 1217 cities with registered groups for this 4th of July. This Tea Party Day rally is a far more patriotic activity than watching a few thousand dollars being wasted on pretty flairs and fake bombs bursting in the air. This day is for celebrating the spirit and determination of a group of American colonists that said No to taxation without representation. And on a grander scale they said NO to Tyranny. Our task during each of these rallies is to awaken the sleeping giant in this country before it is too late so that we may come full circle back to what the true founders of the American dream set in motion. I wish to take this opportunity not to ask you to come down by yourself to wave a sign. I want to take this opportunity to challenge you to bring a car load down. Bring your wife and children. Bring your neighbor. Challenge your Friends and co-workers to show what they are made of. Show that they are not sheep or lemmings as many in high places believe.

It does not matter what I think or believe. What matters is what you think and believe. You have a conscience. What does it tell you?

Respectfully in his service,
Nick-Charles Tilberg

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Emergency Health Freedom Action eBlast!

CAN YOU SAY FORCED VACCINES!!!! -NickTilberg 7/8/09 1:55 PM

Emergency Health Freedom Action eBlast!

Natural Solutions Foundation
www.HealthFreedomUSA.org www.GlobalHealthFreedom.org
July 7, 2009

The General Looks at the Data:


I am writing to you in my official capacity as the President of the Natural Solutions Foundation. However, the basis of the information that I am about to share with you comes from decades of experience engaged in real-world, real-time intelligence collection and analysis. In this environment, the work involves piecing together divergent "bits" of information from divergent sources into a coherent picture of past events/situations from which you can reliably predict future events/situations.

Having the "picture" (from
connecting the "Dots" or the "Bits" of information) provides the base
from which counter actions, plans and solutions develop.

is the simplistic process. Now let me show you some of the "Dots" as
they exist today. You do the connecting. You paint the picture that
comes to your mind. I think after you do, you will see why it is so
urgently important that we create the Push Back needed to protect our
health, our rights and our freedom at this time.


1. An "informal" [e.g., illegal] clinical trial of the Avian Flu
vaccine on about 200 Polish vagrants resulted in 11 immediate deaths
and an additional set of 20 later deaths (approximately 15% of the test
population). The doctors and nurses involved were charged with murder.
(Fact. 2008)

2. Approximately 3500 Chinese children died in an Avian Flu vaccine experiment. (Rumor, 2008)

3. The Philippine High Court convicted WHO (The World Health
Organization) of involuntarily sterilizing over 3 million Philippina
women through the use of vaccines. (Fact)

4. The WHO in 1985 documented that one of its' primary goals for the
use of a sterility vaccine disguised as a smallpox vaccine was to
"eliminate 150 million excess Sub Saharan Africans". (Fact,

5. The WHO 5-shot vaccine programs for tetanus in third world
countries in South and Central America caused the involuntary
sterilization of millions of women. (Fact, ongoing)

6. Monsanto's MON 810 corn causes sterility according to studies published by the Austrian Government. (Fact, 2009)

7. Monsanto's MON 810 corn contains the Cauliflower Mosaic Virus
which, when ingested, lowers the bodies CD 4 cells to a point which, on
immune tests, indicate that a person has HIV/AIDS. The lowered CD 4
cells results from eating GMO corn, the staple of the diet in many
parts of Black Africa. MON 810 is grown in Europe for animal feed and
in many places, including the US, around the world for human food.
(Fact, ongoing)

8. Merck's Gardasil vaccine causes death, collapse and chronic illness
in young woman and girls, including a new, never-before described
"disease" called Juvenile ALS, a fatal condition in which the nervous
system is slowly destroyed while consciousness remains unimpaired.
This vaccine increases cervical cancer by 44.7% in women and girls who
already have Human Papilloma Virus. Cervical Cancer is easily detected
and cured in early stages and is not a major killer of women. Gardasil
contains substances which may cause sterility in women receiving it and
any protection lasts only a few years, so 9 year olds will probably not
be sexually active by the time this protection has worn off. (Fact,

9. Baxter International Inc. was in the process of applying for a
contract to provide Avian Flu vaccines to European countries in the
event of an Avian Flu epidemic. Its Austrian laboratory shipped
Seasonal Flu vaccines to 18 countries in Europe. A laboratory
technician tested the Baxter Seasonal Flu vaccines sent to the Czech
Republic and discovered that they were contaminated with a highly
pathogenic version of the Avian Flu, 72 Kilograms of it, although Level
3 precautions were in place and such contamination "could not have
happened accidentally" according to experts in the field. No
documentation of the destruction of this highly infective material has
been provided although the Austrian Health Ministry insists that the
deadly viral material was destroyed. (Fact, 2008, 2009)

10. A WHO investigation into the Baxter contaminated vaccine issue
resulted in NO findings and in NO disciplinary actions. An Austrian
investigation into the same events yielded the same results. (Fact,

11. Baxter has been rewarded with a lead role in developing, producing
and disseminating the Swine Flu vaccine for the upcoming pandemic.
(Fact, 2009)

12. Swine Flu was first identified to the public as a serious problem
in April/May 2009 when 168 persons in Mexico were confirmed by CDC and
WHO to have died from the Swine Flu. This number was later revised
downward to only 16 deaths. (Fact, 2009)

13. It normally takes a minimum of 12 to 18 months to create a vaccine
after a specific virus has been identified. (Fact)

14. The US Government has spent more than a billion dollars to develop
and to make available the Swine flu vaccine for a disease which poses
no significant health threat. (Fact, 2009)

15. The "Seed Culture" for the Swine Flu virus was provided to vaccine
companies in May, 2009. Baxter International Inc. announced in June,
2009 that they would have their vaccine ready in July, 2009 . (Fact,

16. A WHO container of Swine Flu virus from Mexico City exploded on a
passenger train in Luzon, Switzerland. All of the current Swiss cases
of Swine Flu are from the area where the explosion took place. It is
illegal to ship pathogenic viruses in this way. (Fact, 2009)

17. A significant number of virologists and other scientists are on
record stating that the Swine Flu was created in a laboratory and could
not evolve naturally. (Fact, 2009)



1. Canada, Sweden, Norway, France and other countries have announced
intentions to vaccinate every man, woman and child. To do so, they are
ordering 2 shots per person of untested, unsafe and unnecessary Swine
Flu Vaccines from a variety of manufacturers. The US Departments of
Homeland Security and Health and Human Services both stated in early
2009 that they would do so "beginning with those who want it". (Fact,

2. President Obama announced to the public shortly after his
inauguration that every man, woman and child should receive the Avian
Flu vaccine this fall along with seasonal flu shots this coming Fall.
President Obama is on record saying that he believes that vaccinations
should be mandatory. (Fact, 2009)

3. The United States has spent $714 Million GPS mapping every front
door of every house and apartment in the country and listing who lives
in each house or apartment under the direction of the White House.
(Fact, 2009)

4. Many people have reported that they have received calls at home or
at work from agencies of the US Government inquiring about the "number
of unvaccinated children in the household". (Fact, 2009)

5. The United States, Norway, Sweden, Austria and other countries have
announced that in case of a Swine Flu pandemic all health and security
authority shall revert to teams and command centers run by the WHO.
(Fact, 2009)

6. Every recent major event like 9/11, the Madrid bombings or the
London bombings has been accompanied by a materially identical
"training exercise" simulating the actual event involving, confusing
and distracting the legitimate responders. (Fact, 2001-ongoing)

7. A major set of FEMA training exercises is scheduled for 27 July, 2009. (Fact, 2009)


Draw your own conclusions about what is afoot. And if you, like the
officers and trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation, are deeply
concerned by what you see, intuit and conclude from these facts, you
WILL take action by clicking on the two Action Steps that follow. And
you WILL enlist everyone you know and can reach to do the same and
activate their contacts and circles of influence.

Click HERE to

tell your legislators and your Governor that you demand your right to
Self-Shield, instead of taking the dangerous vaccine OR being


Click HERE to urge your national and state legislators to protect food and farming (you'll find more information below):


Yours in health and freedom, Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)

President, Natural Solutions Foundation


URGENT: Push Back Is Working

Let Roots Assemble! It's Time To Marshal Large Numbers of Voices

Prevent Marshal Law!

Self -Shielding and Codex Bills may be Introduced in Congress By Health Freedom Allies!

Push Back Working: Urgently Important to Act on Self Shielding Legislation Demand -- and take that demand viral!
We have word from the office of the most outspoken friend health freedom
has in Congress that he is considering two new bills to support our
freedom, in addition to the nutrient health claims bill that will be
re-introduced into Congress shortly:

A Self-Shielding law which would give you the right to choose to remain
at home rather than take a dangerous Pandemic Vaccine or be
incarcerated and quarantined.

Click HERE to tell your legislators you demand your right to Self-Shield, instead of taking the dangerous vaccine OR being incarcerated:



A Codex Anti-Harmonization Bill. Taking the US out of Codex's
restrictions on our access to nutrition would be a major step forward!

Meanwhile a New Farm and Food Safety Bill Threatens...

You can read our Counsel Ralph's blog on HR2749 here:

In it he writes: "While Self-Shielding in the face of manufactured pandemics and weaponized vaccines got our attention; while Codex further degraded the food supply... Congress was planning its own surprise: the forced-industrialization-of-farming bills, such as HR 875 & 759,
have been replaced by a new "fast-tracked" (sic) "Food Safety" bill -
HR 2749 - that threatens food, health and freedom. It is, in reality, a
"martial law food control bill"

new Farm and Food Safety (sic) legislation, HR 2749 is being pushed
forward with limited debate as if it were a non-controversial bill and
it, like the other dangerous Farm and Food Safety bills, contains
implementation and harmonization language for Codex.

The worst of the Farm and Food Safety (sic)
legislation, HR 2749 is being moved under a "Suspension of Rules"
which is how "non-controversial legislation, like naming post offices"
is usually done; limited debate, no amendments, one "up or down" vote
and while it probably won't be voted on this week, it could come up in

Click HERE to urge your national and state legislators to protect food and farming:


Remember, each of these Action Items can be sent in by every member of your family!

you clicked and sent the Action Items? Great. Now you can get to work
and find ways to motivate the people in your email list, your
relatives, the folks at your local Farmer's Market, Church, Synagogue,
Mosque, Block Club, School, University or whatever groups of people
with whom you communicate. A health fair in your area? A folk dance
or festival? Great. These are urgent issues and all we need is a click
of the Freedom Mouse from a large number of people. It really is up to
us to mobilize the kind of Push Back that really does work.

the Natural Solutions Foundation's enthusiastic Push Back - YOUR
enthusiastic Push Back - is giving us the purchase we need to have
legislation to permit self-shielding AND protection from Codex
considered by a significant Congressman.

our Push Back may even be impacting the plans of those who control
Congress. In order to get HR 2749 out of committee, the sponsors had to
allow an exemption into the bill -- breaching their hard line position
that all food producers were to be treated like industrialized Agrabiz.
That exemption covers any "food (i) produced on a farm; and (ii) sold ...directly to a consumer or restaurant." While
it is not as strong as we'd advise (actually, we advise that the bill
be defeated!) we were the first to call for explicit protective
language for family farms, natural, organic, home, etc. food production
and processing -- and your Push Back made this exemption possible! The
bill must still be defeated, but along the way, we want to see the
exemptions strengthened!

is the time to pour on the Push Back heat. Now, when every member of
Congress and State Legislature is aware of these issues. Now, while
the horrifying FDA-Can-Declare-Martial-Law-And-Seize-Your-Property
HR 2749 is being treated as if it were not controversial, now, while
the phony "Swine Flu" is on everyone's lips (even under their masks!),
NOW is the moment when our Push Back, coupled with helping every single
person you know to take similar action, can have the greatest impact.

Self-Shielding is Your Right!

You know that Health
and Health Freedom are under multiple attacks, rather like a castle
being attacked by infantry swarming over the walls, catapults slamming
into the towers, corpses dumped into the wells to poison the water and
flaming arrows arcing high over the walls to land in the thatch roofs
of the homes within the walls.

Common Law, which the Constitution of these United States says is to be
respected, your Home IS your Castle and you are inviolate within it.
Both the UN Declaration of Universal Rights and the Geneva Conventions
agree. But, just as so many other protections and strong walls of
freedom are being breached, so your home is about to be breeched. Under
current legislation, there will be no vaccine exemptions for any
reason. You will either take the vaccine, weaponized and dangerous as
it is, or you run the very real risk of relocation, incarceration,
isolation, quarantine and God knows what else. One thing for sure, a
vaccine refuser will be viewed as somehow disloyal and there is no
reason to think the food, conditions or treatment will support your

a prophet running around in rags inside the castle being breached
sobbing, "Repent ye, repent ye", there are well-meaning people propagating
petitions to refuse vaccines which have the right sentiment, but no
political impact whatsoever. There are well meaning people telling you
that because 48 States have vaccine exemption options, the "Pandemic
Emergency"vaccination will, too. They are governed by different laws
and we believe that there will be no exemptions for them.

together with the fact that virtually every country of which we are
aware is either ordering 2 shots of the untested, unsafe and
unnecessary Swine Flu vaccine from some vaccine company or other (and
there are apparently 89 different Swine Flu vaccine trials running at
the moment!) the race is on to corral us all into either a vaccination
line or a relocation line.

are the vaccines that the FDA wants you to believe are, along with
Tamiflu and its cousin Relenza, the ONLY ways to protect and treat
Swine Flu. You remember that I told you in one of my earlier reports
that we are no longer permitted to discuss Nano silver in this light,
so we are not discussing it in that light. But I want you to know that
I find that Nano silver, www.Nutronix.com/naturalsolutions
is the finest universal nutrient immune system support that I know and
has no known toxicity in any person of any age or health condition. I
trust it implicitly and believe that having a store of it for my own
use and that of those that I love is very important.


no mistake: Health Canada, the US and Scotland have said that children
will be first. I personally am concerned that the White House-directed
$714M GPS marking of every door in
America (with a list of who lives behind that door) plus the phone
calls that we are told were received many homes over
the last months asking how many unvaccinated children live in the home
may mean that YOU might be able to refuse vaccination and accept the
consequences, but children will not be permitted to have their
vaccination refused by parents and they may be either mandatorily
vaccinated in public schools OR removed from the home if their parents

fact is, governments are getting ready to turn over their health,
police and other powers to the WHO/UN (aka "the New World Order") now
that their PPP (Planned Pandemic Pretext) is being activated. Jane
Burgermeister, the courageous journalist who has filed criminal charges
over what she says is genocidal intent by drug companies and
governments reports:

F.E.M.A. is planning nationwide terrorism drills in the United States
set to begin on July 27th, 2009.... [9/11, 7/7, the Madrid Bombings and
other disasters have all occurred during virtually nearly identical
"exercises" involving those responders and troops who would otherwise
focus on an event of their magnitude and suddenness - REL]

the event of a pandemic declaration, WHO will coordinate the activities
of Homeland Security and FEMA from a special pandemic control room
linked to supercomputers of the UN security forces which appear set to
be the the nerve center for any operation to transport large numbers of
Americans by rail or road to the FEMA camps or [to or - REL] from
special quarantine centers [to be - REL] set up at 19 airports.

systematic and sustained disruption to the operation of the WHO
pandemic control room, of Homeland Security and FEMA headquarters or of
the logistics of its units, of railways or other transport
infrastructure leading to FEMA camps would be a severe blow to any
covert mission to mass murder Americans and leave the country to be
occupied by foreign troops under the direction of WHO and the UN. [This
suggests the possibility of a false flag event during a Pandemic
Emergency situation. We have no information to suggest any such event,
but we are mindful of the implications of such an event - REL]

SWEDEN: Sweden has ordered two doses of Swine Flu Vaccine per person (18 million). The
Swedish authority that deals with disease control says on their website
that in case of a pandemic there will be "cooperation" with the EU
and WHO. Sweden's pandemic plan indicates special pandemic "crisis
management committees" will be given significant emergency powers in
the event of a pandemic and be able to usurp the authority of other
branches of local and national government, and will apparently also be
ultimately taking their orders from WHO and the EU.
Under Austria's Influenza Pandemic Plan of 2005, WHO and the EU are set
to take charge of Austria via a special crisis management team (SKKM)
to be set up in the Federal Ministry of Interior in the event of a
"pandemic" emergency. Inoculating the entire Austrian
population with (Baxter) shots is a declared objective of the SKKM. The
injections will contain a mix of "whole virus", mercury and adjuvants -
and so be very toxic. http://www.bmg.gv.at/cms/site/attachments/3/6/8/CH0742/CMS1126084167391/pp_inetversion12_061.pdf http://www.bmg.gv.at/cms/site/attachments/3/6/8/CH0742/CMS1126084167391/pp_englisch.pdf

Similar pandemic plans exist in countries all over Europe. In some countries, such as France, the injections could be mandatory.


Yours in health and freedom,
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Ralph Fucetola, JD
Counsel and Trustee

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